Exploring the Influence of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies on Learning Motivation in a Blended Learning Environment


  • Jezreel Buot Cebu Technological University-Carmen Campus


blended learning, self-regulated learning, motivation, engagement, structural equation modeling


In developing economies, blended learning presents challenges, including effectively implementing self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies, sustaining motivation, and ensuring active engagement in the educational landscape. This study investigates how self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies affect motivation through engagement and satisfaction. Covariance-based Structural Equation Modeling was utilized to analyze the 919 valid responses from high school students in the Visayas Region, Philippines. The results supported four out of five hypothesized paths. SRL strategies positively affect satisfaction and engagement. Satisfaction negatively predicted motivation, while engagement positively influenced motivation to learn. The significance of these results informed tailored approaches for educators and institutions in a blended learning environment. These findings contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discussions on effective educational strategies in the context of blended learning.




How to Cite

Buot, J. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies on Learning Motivation in a Blended Learning Environment. Magister - Journal of Educational Research, 2(2), 1–17. Retrieved from http://errc.ctu.edu.ph/ojs/index.php/magister/article/view/33