Information For Authors

Note to the Authors and Contributors:

  1. All manuscripts should be submitted online through
  2. Articles submitted should undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  3. It is the author/s obligation to ensure that the manuscripts submitted to the M-JER have not been published and were not simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Therefore, submissions should not be under evaluation at any other journal at the time.
  4. Contributions should be in American English. Borrowed information that requires citation should employ APA 7th Edition format.
  5. Standard symbol font should be used to create special characters or Greek letters. Do not use graphics or objects embedded in the text.
  6. The corresponding author is required to have an ORCID identifier. We encourage all co-authors to provide an ORCID as well. ORCID is a non-profit registry organization that provides a unique digital identifier for a researcher. Registration to ORCID is free at
  7. Author/s should be listed with the given name and surname. The author’s affiliation should be listed with labels (abc, and so on), respectively, while an asterisk (*) indicates the corresponding author. Deceased authors who qualify for co-authorship can be indicated with a † symbol.
  8. For multiple authorship, the contributions of each author should be specified in the side heading “Authors’ Contributions” before the references.
  9. If the declaration of conflict of interest is wanting, the authors may add another side heading, “Conflicts of Interest,” before the authors' contributions.
  10. The author/s must follow the general standard and mechanics in writing regarding spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
  11. The M-JER editorial board is not responsible for lost articles and reserves the right to decide which articles to publish.
  12. Unpublished articles are not to be returned; hence, the author/s are advised to keep a secure copy of their papers.
  13. The peer-reviewed comments must be complied with by the author/s within a given period.
  14. The M-JER is an open-access journal that permits unrestricted use and sharing in any form, provided that the original work is properly cited.
  15. In the case of preprints, the M-JER requires that the research article is not communicated with any media before publication.